A Good Weekend of Riding
Well Team Weak and Feeble didn't really live up to it's name with the group (san's our Vermont rep) spending quite a few hours in the saddle this weekend. I got in my first mountain bike ride of the season with Judge Judy on Sat, even collecting some fine trail booty (I know that sounds bad)- but we found a 10pt moose antler- and I strapped it to the pack and rode it out. Of course that was about an hour into a three hour ride- so I guess I got in some weight training as well- those suckers a heavy! JJ and I found what could be either the start of a new trail or we found very old flagging, it ended up in a clear cut and we couldn't figure out where it went next. That and we said we'd be back around 8am and it was 8am when we realized we were somewhat lost (it wasn't my fault this time!)
Either way it was good to get out on dirt, the bike is running fairly well- but it'll need to spend a touch of time in the stand for a bit of TLC.
Sunday was fairly epic, we left at 6am, and had temps in the 20's. A1, NK, and I meet JJ at Sears and were on our merry way. I think I heard a bit of gripping about the pace but I was cold and needed to generate some heat, besides if there able to talk we couldn't have been going that fast! About 15 minutes into the ride NK lost feeling in his hands and no amount of body heat from other regions could bring back his hand, so we went to Sids and had coffee and I had a donut. Then we were off. The battle for town lines began in earnest. The first big line race was for the Jackson line, which A1 looked to be running away with, tossing the fact we had two major climbs to go I burried myself to chase him down and caught him about 20 meters from the line, but then I was cooked. A1 had to get back so he peeled off and headed back over Thorne, JJ, NK and I pressed on.
About five minutes later NK got a flat- a nice picture frame nail (or that is my guess) so we did a quick change and were off. Pinkham was actually pretty nice, despite the headwind.
I'll pass the rest of the story telling to the others that were there- if they so desire....
the Dr.
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