Jay Challenge

The ramblings of Team Weak and Feeble (Sven Cole, Dennis Morgan, Josh Mac, Nick Lebel, and Abe Wrobleski) as we prepare for the Jay Challenge mountain bike race.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


ok so Abe tells me there are 151 days left till the race. That's not that much time. If we go out and get in 70 feet of climbing every day till the big event we'll have climbed the 10,500 feet.

The reality is hitting that I need to get my ass in shape and drop some pounds, but I being lazy and a habitual procrastinator it's been hard to get any type of a routine rolling. But tomorrow is March 1rst (rabbit rabbit)and that means cycling season is officially underway. According to accuweather we should be seeing temps head into the upper 30's and even the lower 40's by next week- so it's time to start getting in those base miles out on the road- my goal will be to log 600 miles in the month of March and then bump that up to 800 in April and 1000 in May- (damn that's a fair amount of riding- oh well here on the blog we get to dream big).

With that said we need to figure out how to get Abe and Nick out on road bikes this spring, and then we need to drag them (the we being Dennis and I) out for long road rides- like over and backs on the Kanc, or Pinkham, Evans, Hurricane. Or rides out through western Maine. One of two things will happen- we'll either roll into the month of July in good shape or we will say screw it and just die at the Jay Challenge- anyone wanna take bets?



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