Jay Challenge

The ramblings of Team Weak and Feeble (Sven Cole, Dennis Morgan, Josh Mac, Nick Lebel, and Abe Wrobleski) as we prepare for the Jay Challenge mountain bike race.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

a good couple of days

ok, so i know i'm not reinventing the wheel, or even been out for my "come to jesus" moment yet, but i've had a rebirth of sorts in the past couple of days.

i'll admit it, i'd been in a rut. but, believe it or not, it was getting on the road that snapped me out of it. well, that and an umphrey's mcgee podcast serenading my ears during the ride. it wasn't that long (out upper west side road over to 302, to the fields of attitash, about face there and down 302 to 16A, then over to intervale crossroads to kearsarge), but it just felt good. maybe it's because i got my fat ass to do it alone, maybe it's because it was such a nice day, maybe it's because i really liked going out with just spandex shorts on; i dunno. it just felt really good.

and then when i got home, Steak Sauce gave me a call: we were on for a quick morning jaunt. awesome, let's do it. 6:30am rolls around, alarm bashes me over the head, i'm up. and it's chilly! but, there's A1, ready to go in his anti-environment mobile (that's not a slam, i want one). and during the climb up peaked, when i'm realizing that it's OK to be in granny gear, it really hits me again: this is fun! it truly is!

will it be fun in 15 weeks? i don't know. but i sure hope we're at least ready enough to say that we, to paraphrase 'dazed and confused', "did it the best we could when we were stuck in that place."

tally ho, bitches.


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