Jay Challenge

The ramblings of Team Weak and Feeble (Sven Cole, Dennis Morgan, Josh Mac, Nick Lebel, and Abe Wrobleski) as we prepare for the Jay Challenge mountain bike race.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Racin' Pics

So the shot of JJ under the Dakine tent (thanks Mike) at the GGTOC Summer Series got me thinking about the summer racing that is coming up. The GGTOC summer series starts on July 6th and runs Thursdays- go check it out

  • Then the Red Jersey/Importech Summer Series gets started next week on Thursday (June 22)- first venue is Bear Notch- go check it out
  • Red Jesey

  • Wanna go uphill? Newtons Revenge on July 8th- climb 4000+ feet in under 8 miles- ouch! Go to Bike Reg and search Newtons-
  • Bike Reg

  • Wanna do a stage race? In November the 2nd Annual Porky Gulch Classic is taking place- I've posted a couple race shots- one from the cross race and the other from the Story Land Crit- soooo much fun!
  • Porky Gulch Classic

  • So there you go- a bunch of racing to enjoy! Hey there may even be slots left in the Jay Challenge!

    over and out

    Dr. Evil


    At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Besides Dr. Evil the rest of the team seems pretty cool. what's up with all the images of himself? Does he keep those handy so he can look at himself all day? Loser.


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