Jay Challenge

The ramblings of Team Weak and Feeble (Sven Cole, Dennis Morgan, Josh Mac, Nick Lebel, and Abe Wrobleski) as we prepare for the Jay Challenge mountain bike race.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

But I am...

Pretentious, stuck on myself, competitive, and all around not a nice guy.

I know what Dennis is saying, but I wanna kick the trustafarian's heini and prove that those of us who live in the real world can still go fast and do it with style. That being said i just don't look good in lycra anyone (notice how much fatter I am then Ward in this photo!) but that's ok- I still have fun and know that there is a good crew out there to ride with. With all that in mind- Ward if you're reading this- I can still kick you butt in a two up sprint for a state line (cheating allowed). For those who don't know Ward- he's sort of one of us- but he actually made it and is a pro rider who I live my racing dream vicariously through.

Now does anyone else remember Dennis taking off on that last night ride to race for the town sign? Hmmmm I think there is a competitor in there someplace...



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