Jay Challenge

The ramblings of Team Weak and Feeble (Sven Cole, Dennis Morgan, Josh Mac, Nick Lebel, and Abe Wrobleski) as we prepare for the Jay Challenge mountain bike race.

Monday, February 13, 2006


So yeah, Sven and I thought we were tough, well he did, I know I'm not. Braved the freezing temps, icy roads, and dust. Wicked dusty, not sure why, but it was. There's nothing like a 9:00 ride to prove that we're idiots. Started off OK, first pitch on Davis Hill no problem. I was on the full suspension which I really haven't ridden since November. So the bobbing suspension made climbing even better, I'm going back to the hardtail. Second pitch to the top, lets just say I hit a wall. I actually wish I'd hit something, that may have justified why I felt so bad and why Sven had to wait at the top. Looped back to the start via Mill St., felt OK at times. Hit Old Mill and realized I'm not in good shape, I think it was the Bud Belly (damn Bud Select, there's no good reason to drink it, or the Mich Ultra pre ride). Went inside, got a few strange looks from Nikki and the "are you gonna throw up" question. Nope, just old, tired and out of shape. I think Dennis posted a while back about realizing you just don't have it anymore (maybe never did), well Saturday night at 9:42 I had that realization. July is coming quick, I better start training, I'm guessing it's gonna be worse than the climb Saturday night. The image, that's how I felt Saturday.

Freakishly out of shape.


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