Jay Challenge

The ramblings of Team Weak and Feeble (Sven Cole, Dennis Morgan, Josh Mac, Nick Lebel, and Abe Wrobleski) as we prepare for the Jay Challenge mountain bike race.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

that's sound!

dennis, that training regimen is perfectly accessible—carry on!

really, as long as you're in the big ring while you're doing it, or you're carrying that extra 5lbs on your fixie and making sure that you focus on one quad for a mile at a time, pedaling one-legged while doing bicep curls and setting up to get your max number of reps on the 225 bench, and remembering intervals for explosiveness... all while at pace, you'll be sound as a pound.

godspeed. basically, you can still whup my ass on a bike, and i'm working hard to boot—so keep up whatever works!

noooooooooooooooorth korea


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