Jay Challenge

The ramblings of Team Weak and Feeble (Sven Cole, Dennis Morgan, Josh Mac, Nick Lebel, and Abe Wrobleski) as we prepare for the Jay Challenge mountain bike race.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

just making a point

I doubt any of us, even the single one, could commit to the 20-24hrs a week of training. Assuming we wanted to. I know SC is sitting there with a shit eaten grin on his face thinking he has stoked some sort of fire, but I don't see any of us adopting some sort of insane training plan where we spend that amount of tim training. I wonder what a pro spends on thier bike to train, Sven, call up Ward and ask him how many hours he spends on his bike a week. cut that number in half and I'm ok with it. I just want us all to be realistic. I don't see it making a lot of sense saying we are going to train x number of hours when it just wont happen. You never know when confusion might set in and you unexplicably go home.



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