Jay Challenge

The ramblings of Team Weak and Feeble (Sven Cole, Dennis Morgan, Josh Mac, Nick Lebel, and Abe Wrobleski) as we prepare for the Jay Challenge mountain bike race.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My point is made even clearer

SC, you break out a plausable weekly training schedule and it appears pretty time intensive. It is however as amny as six hours shy of what the poster says he's doing in January. I guess I just find it difficult to think that aside from a pro, who has this time, and in mid janusary, where are you riding 24 hrs in a weeks? I'm not saying that we do not need to put in the hours training, I just get a feeling that there was a substantial amount of bs in the post. As soon as you get 24 hours of hall pass per week for the six solid months, let me know, I'll do the divorce for free.



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